Family Services Manager
My children attended programs served by Head Start programs. At the time, I volunteered in the Parent Committee. It was there that I felt treated with respect and dignity. My voice was heard as it had never been before. Soon after, I became part of the executive committee of the Policy Council who led me to participate in community advocacy for our programs. From there, I was encouraged to go back to school by both the center and the central office staff. I achieved my first degree and was hired as a Head Start/ State Preschool classroom teacher. Since then, I have been continually supported in my professional growth to take classes and to continue on with my education. I have participated in several conferences such as literacy and STEM to implement in the classroom. My ambition earned a promotion to Site Supervisor in 2016. I continued my studies and completed my undergraduate degree in Human Development with a concentration in Early Childhood Education through the support of KiZCommunity and Head Start. Currently, I am working on my masters degree in Psychology. Working for KidZCommunity has ignited a passion in me for helping other who are in the same situation as I was as a parent in the program. Through my time working in the classroom, I have discovered that I can do more to help the children and families who may be facing traumatic situations in their personal lives. My future plans include delivering therapy to children and families of Head Start. I have big plans for my future and they all started when I became a KidZCommunity parent.
I cannot express how much the Head Start program helpme get back on my feet and thrive!
Mother of 2
I really loved the men’s program. I learned tools to be able to work with my ex and how to raise our child.
Father of toddler
I have become an advocate and have a leadership role for the first time. I love it.
Mother of 2
Two of my children are in Center Based and the youngest is in Home Based. I love all the programs.
Mother of 3
I learn new things each time I receive a home visit. Invaluable.
Mother of 2yr old
They help me with the kids and give me progress reports on how they are doing. Also, I really appreciate the diapers donations.
Mother of 2 Under 5
I was expecting less resources. I was really surprised. They had more than I expected! From offering fresh organic meals to dental and health care support, I am so grateful for all the support I have received.
Mother of 2 Under 5
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