Patti Francis

Patti Francis
KidZCommunity is 100% supportive

Head Start Coach

I was a Head Start parent myself. It was 19 years ago that my 3 year old started in the Head Start program at KidZCommunity. It was a difficult time because he had strong separation anxiety but my son’s center helped us both through it. Then they found out that I had some college units and they encouraged me to finish my AA and to come work for them. One of my son’s teachers even took me to my first interview to become a substitute teacher! I have been at KidZCommunity since then. I finished my AA degree in 2015, and with the support of the agency, I finished my Bachelor’s degree. I started as a substitute teacher, was an associate teacher for 10 years, then teacher once I got my AA, then a Site Supervisor, and now I am the Head Start Coach. My son is now 19 years old. I love what we do at KidZCommunity. I love to support our families, children and the teachers. It is a 100% supportive environment. I am grateful to be part of it.

Happy Parents, Happy Children


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